My journey

Holistic health

In my adult life I’ve been on a continuous journey to understand the meaning of a good life. My path started in 1993 in chef school. My interest in making food moved me into nutrition when in 1999 I went into marketing of health products. Along with that came personal-growth literature. I managed to read 83 books in health before I moved onto a spiritual route. It was a natural continuation when striving to understand people in a complete way so that one can live a good life and have the tools to help others.

In helping others, I’ve developed so much that I’ve become a professional at it.


In my youth I was a complete new-age nutter. Among other things, I managed to meditate 6000 hours, meet five enlightened masters, read 110 eccentric books and participate in tantra courses. All of this has given me a good vocabulary, understanding and ability to discuss with different styles of beliefs. From these skills comes the benefit in caring for the soul because it is important to talk with people using their own terms.

Healing basics

In 1999 I started massaging feet in parties. Massage came to me naturally and I did it in every party for six years. From this I learnt the basics in working muscles. In 2005 I was instructed by osteopath Markku Korgi who taught small-group healing. He taught and showed me all kinds of beneficial things including meridians. In 2006 I started to take paying customers. My skills grew with experience. By 2008 I was so experienced that this treatment work was able to fund by summer holidays in Sweden. At this stage I was able using both muscles and meridians to support physical problems. At this time in my development I hade the skillevel as a postural-alignment therapist or whole-body reflexologist.

Me, Jesus and the Holy Ghost

Jesus found me in 2008 and I started to follow him. Within a month I received the Holy Ghost, which continued my healing training. The Holy Ghost has taught me to see psychic traumas, heart wounds, bad spirits and so much more. In healing, one of the most important things is to be aware of a problem’s roots. This skill is part of my current advanced skills.

I have worked as a mediator in the three churches I have been in.

Rehabilitation spiritual counsellor

When I had been with Jesus for 3 years, he said “Go study”. And because my friends and customers were in Helsinki I chose Theology. I studied 01-08-2012 until 01-07-2021 with major in practical theology and took as a minor social psychology. My studies grew in me societal perspectives and thinking abilities. Additionally during my study times Jesus had time to teach and fix me, that is to say to create in me a person who can work powerfully with God in different situations.

My skills

In addition to fixing problems in the body, I have learned powerful soul healing with the Holy spirit. Dietary science is also sometimes a benefit in treatment. I have also read literature on interactions and thus I’m able to help with people’s communication problems.
My growing skills have led me to lead groups and have taken a first step by leading “What we are” course at a Steiner school. I feel that God is guiding me in this direction so that more people can get the benefits of getting to know God.


Puh. 044 555 6563

Börje Ölander
Aurinkokivenpiha 2-4 B 31 Kivistö Vantaa

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