The basis of treatment is to identify the root cause of people’s problems and to be able to solve them together. In this text we deal with identifying problems and making them visible.
Hoitoihini liittyy olennaisesti kyky tiedostaa sitä, mitä ihminen on. Kerron myöhemmin tässä tekstissä ihmisyyden kymmenestä ulottuvuudesta. Näiden ulottuvuuksien olemassaolo on hyvä tiedostaa, mikäli haluaa auttaa ihmisiä kaikissa hänen jutuissaan. KOen siis sen hyödyllisenä että sirän olemukseni sille taajudelle/tasolle jossa ongelma sillä hetkellä ilmenee. Tämä lisää tehoa huomattavasti.
The basic idea is that the body manifests human problems in some way. Once the problem is corrected and the person has the resources available to fix it, the body and mind will then begin to manifest the next problem to be worked on. Almost all people have problems waiting for them inside. Problems can also be activated with life situations, even if resources are not currently available to deal with them.
Another essential thing is that if a person is not in themself, it becomes more difficult to help. There are many ways to be away from yourself, that is, not present in the body. A person may be only partially in their body or lost in their mind. The energies and feelings of other people or their own feelings and memories that they do not want to face can prevent a person from being present in their body. External pressure, stress, or the experience of being threatened can make a person feel less in their body. The mind itself or parts of it can also be lost. Lost experiences can be caused by - for example - wounding experiences, drugs, even entertainment.
Pitkällisen kokemuksen kautta olen oivaltanut, että meillä on kuusi sisäistä tietoisuustasoa, jotka kaikki sisältävät paljon asioita. Useimmiten näiltä tasoilta löytyy suurin osa ongelmistamme. Kuvailen nämä ulkoa sisäänpäin, sillä useimmiten ihmiset oppivat tiedostamaan nämä näin päin. Synnymme materiaalis-sosiaaliseen maailmaan ja sieltä käsin opimme itsestämme. Kaikilla tasoilla on huomattavan paljon opittavia asioita. Mitä tarkemmin tiedostat ihmisyyden eri tasot, sen paremmin voit auttaa. Useimmiten ongelmat ilmenevät ja näkyvät usealla tasolla yhtä aikaa.
How much and how a person is connected to other people can vary. When one looks at people in this dimension one can notice how they behave socially. People have many, perhaps seven, social fields.
The fields can brake, some by mere words or atmosphere at a young age, some by physical violence. An example: if I help someone with a relationship problem, I look at this dimension and their heart and emotional body. Thus, I first understand how they generally relate to people, then how their heart perceives this person, and lastly what emotions it evokes.
Sideways movements open gates to parallel realities, where there are fairies and all sorts of other things. This most often happens in the subconscious, but some also perform such rituals consciously, like some shamans among others. Some part of us can get caught up in different dimensions, and if there is a gate open to somewhere, then there will be unwanted influences on our lives. For some, movies and books can also open bad doors, as well as drugs, of course.
From a care point of view, the most important thing is to get all the parts back from the wrong places and to cancel all agreements. Be sure to close all gates. It is far better for people to receive wisdom from our spirit or from God than from other dimensions.
This moral dimension measures how our psyche is tuned. By going down, suffering will increase. Upwards wisdom, altruism, and well-being will increase.
When one learns to move in this dimension, you can visit different heavens, or even hell, which I don’t recommend. There are a lot of angels up there and one can also get help with treatments if God so blesses. Some wounds bind a person to a lower level in this dimension than where he would otherwise be, so that’s also good to check.
All our actions produce consequences and can be followed in this dimension. I use this dimension very little.
We are moving closer or farther from God’s will in this truly comprehensive dimension. Very rarely does this dimension need to be improved.
Our minds sometimes break down and the particles get caught up in some traumatic event. When fixing traumas and leading parts of the mind back to the present moment, it is good to check that similar problems have not occurred in the time between then and now, so that the mind can be free from them as well.
Because you know how to read, you already master these.
n addition to these, it is good to know that people have not only body and psyche (soul) but also spirit. It is an integral part of us. My understanding is that our spirits cannot break, but people may not be connected to that part of themselves if, for example, they equate it with some bad father, mother, or God experience.
If so, then it is an obstacle to widespread wisdom. The spirit can know things that are more difficult or at least considerably slower for the soul. Our spirits can also become aware of family curses, (or our own) and demons. The first can be removed with apology and blessing. The latter with the the authority of Jesus.
So demons are in fact sick angels who penetrate our wounds or us if we do bad things. They don’t belong to us and they cause a variety of bad things in us.
And lastly, of course, external factors also matter. Diet and environmental factors (radiation and toxins) also produce all kinds of problems about witch people need information.
This is how I understand a person and all of this, depending on the situation, I become aware of when I do treatment.
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My Journey
My understanding of treatment